Advanced Website Tracking Service
Designed for blogs, social networks, & business websites, and secure (SSL) eCommerce web stores.
IPnoid.com is a fully featured website statistics, visitor redirecting, and visitor tracking service that offers both free and premium subscriptions.
It has been designed to specifically aid in precise website traffic tracking for personal and business purposes. Small businesses can benefit from IPnoid.com by tracking the customer base, and individual customers and generating more returning visitors by analyzing visitor flow and interests and delivering high-demand content.
Business customers can be tracked over an extended period of time via a unique IPnoid.com feature that allows surveillance of the visitors' IP changes. This translates to better and more precise website statistics.
Statistics graphs and charts allow an in-depth analysis of the website traffic and the results can be exported to a variety of file formats for archival and data analysis purposes by third-party software.
How does it work? Click here to learn.
How does the control panel look? Click here to see.
For all options, please refer to plans.
Installing multiple tracker styles will interfere with producing accurate visitor tracking results.
- Select the style of your tracker
- Follow the steps provided to generate your tracker code
- Place the code in the header or the footer of your website
- Login to IPnoid to instantly start tracking your website visitors!
The only difference between the tracker styles is their appearance on your web pages. However, your private account access will provide you with full website stats including visitors locations and IP addresses. You can also specify any starting number for a counter using your project's settings once you activate and login to your IPnoid.com account.

- Securely monitor website(s) traffic 24x7
- No ads are placed on your website(s)! - Track all websites under one account and real-time!
- Track IP changes of each individual website visitor
- Track the sources of website traffic
- Observe a number of current online visitors browsing website(s) in real-time
- Bookmark individual website visitors and assign contact information to each person
- Track and control individual pages and links
- Control public access to links, pages, documents and files
- Track ad campaigns and click fraud
- Assign authorized users to IPnoid.com account with full or restricted access
- Keep personal and business website visitor traffic records private. Your advanced visitors' statistics and your email address are never shared with anyone. Not even advertisers.
Visitor Traffic Information highlights:
- Precise Real-Time website visitors' clicks statistics - all artificial clicks and bots are filtered out if required.
- Hourly, daily, yearly traffic statistics charts
- Search engine localization analysis & website traffic flow ratios
- Keywords visitors use to find your website(s)
- Date & time of each individual page view
- Visitors activity and visit frequency statistics
- Visitors' geographical location information on country, state & city levels
- Visitors' operating system, screen resolution, language usage, flash versions, cookie support, etc.
- Visitors' browser name & version
- Individual visitor's clicks and IP address statistics
- Unique individual & returning website visitor statistics
- External link analysis to see what links bring you most of the traffic
- Most popular pages on your website analysis with click counts for individual web page
- Primary entry and exit pages
- SSL page statistics
- SEO duplicate title stats
Easy to use web tracker features:
- Easy 20-second setup for each new website. No waiting.
- No experience or special training needed to understand your website visitor stats
- Full graphic charting support for Windows & MAC-based systems. HTML5 and Adobe Flash charting.
- Statistics system doesn't affect the way your website works
- Realtime visitor traffic statistics analysis and mapping
- Individual page or secure web store product hits tracking
- Email and print campaigns localization reports
- Secure SSL (HTTPS) eCommerce online store statistics reports
- Support for a wide range of websites, blogs, forums, personal web pages, eCommerce web stores, professional corporate, and other web-based establishments that support Javascript or HTML.
- Support for HTML-only content management systems that do not allow usage of the javascript.
- Invisible tracker mode - can be enabled under each project's settings for Level 2+ subscriptions.
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