IPnoid Privacy Policy

At IPnoid ("IPnoid, LLC"), we hold the belief that our customers (referred to as "end-users") should be treated with the same respect we expect. Hence, we would like to acquaint you with how we gather and utilize data that could be linked to your identity. To fully grasp our operations and ethical principles, we encourage you to read this policy in its entirety.

Scope of this Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy applies to the information we collect through your direct interaction with IPnoid services or any other engagement with IPnoid. It forms an integral part of the Terms of Service, which constitutes the user agreement.


  1. Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Information
    IPnoid exclusively collects personally identifiable data, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses when voluntarily provided by end-users while using our services. This information is collected through online forms and other communication methods, including electronic, written, and verbal. We do not share this information with third parties except those absolutely necessary for functional purposes, including payment processors.
  2. End-user-to-server connection information
    IPnoid requires an IP address, device information, user agent (web browser), and location data for account sign-up purposes. This information is used for:
    a. Account maintenance
    b. User account security
    c. Prevention and detection of abuse, monitoring, and TOS violations.
  3. Website visitor statistics data collection
    As an essential function of a website operator, during your visit to our website and its subdomains, we collect non-personally identifying information. This includes anonymized IP addresses for EU visitors, visitor uniqueness, browser type and version, browser language, referring URLs (excluding personally identifiable variables), visitor ISP provider, hostname, timezone, operating system, screen resolution, and geolocation data indicating the country/state and city of the ISP's network distribution line rather than the exact visitor's location.

    Website visitor data serves the following purposes:
    a. Monitoring online operations' security
    b. Maintaining end-user and company account security
    c. Preventing and countering abuse, monitoring, and TOS violations
    d. Studying overall IPnoid visitor statistics as aggregated data. This information is not shared with any third party and is not retained beyond its usability period. IPnoid offers the option for anyone to opt out of being included in website visitor statistics at the following URL: https://www.ipnoid.com/opt-out.htm

    However, even if opted out of website statistics data collection, security operations will continue to programmatically monitor each device connection to prevent and terminate service abuse or data security breaches.
  4. End-user service communications and marketing messaging
    Although we do not actively engage in marketing for IPnoid services, we reserve the right to send occasional end-user service-related notifications. In such cases, each end-user will have full control over communication settings to limit and manage such communications.
  5. User account and billing information
    Certain IPnoid services, such as Website Visitor Statistics, require end-users to create an account, necessitating the provision of personal information. This information is used to associate users with specific accounts and for payment purposes.

    IPnoid provides the following types of accounts:
    a. Free service accounts (with limited availability) that require minimal personal information, such as a name (real or fictitious), an email address (including anonymous), and basic account settings, which may include regional geographical information to determine the end-user's timezone or other location-related settings.
    b. Premium service accounts that require partial or complete billing information, including billing address, name, payment account number, expiration date, and CVV (card verification value). This information is needed to process payments and ensure security against spam, fraud, and abuse.

    IPnoid uses user-provided account and payment information for authentication, service notifications as per each end-user's instructions, payment processing, and to maintain service security. We do not share user information with any third party except for payment processors and associated processing intermediaries that facilitate the payment process for IPnoid.

    While IPnoid does not share the tracking data of each user's account as collected by the end-user, IPnoid accounts offer features to enable end-users to assign authorized account users and to share limited statistics publicly regarding the websites for which they collect visitor statistics. End-users assume full responsibility when using these options and are advised to exercise caution when sharing information with authorized users or making their website statistics public.
  6. Account sign-up and conversion tracking
    We aggregate data concerning our visitors' interactions with our website to gain insights into how they use our services. This data analysis helps us improve the user experience of our services.
  7. Links (URL pointers)
    IPnoid provides website visitor statistics services that enable end-users to analyze and interact with the data provided. This involves the use of URL pointers to external referrers, including those from search engines and other websites. As a IPnoid user, when you click on these links, the referring website using our visitor statistics services may analyze your clicks and detect your visits to their websites, collecting your IP information and the origin from which you obtained their website's URL. This may enable third parties to identify that your visits originate from the website statistical service provided by IPnoid.
  8. Cookies
    A "Cookie" is a small data segment stored on your computer or mobile device. IPnoid uses cookies to implement technologies that enable the usage of its services, personalize services, store visitor preferences for opting in and out, and collect visitor statistics for essential website security and operations. Advertisers may also place cookies to facilitate advertising services and optimize ads.

    Cookies used by IPnoid do not contain personal information such as names, phone numbers, email addresses, or physical addresses, although they may allow IPnoid to relate a user's utilization of its website to information that the user has explicitly provided. Cookies cannot contain data unrelated to IPnoid services, and the service cannot access cookies created by other website domains. IPnoid uses cookies to track user traffic patterns, set unique browser cookie identifiers for site-centric audience measurement, and deliver one-time cookies for ad impressions and click rates.

    IPnoid uses cookies to collect non-personally identifying aggregated counts of visits, end-users' login and account preferences, and privacy opt-out indicators to exclude visitors from tracking.

    End-users can disable cookies within their browsers. If cookies are set to trigger a warning before acceptance, end-users will receive a warning message with each cookie placement. However, cookies must be enabled to utilize IPnoid services.
  9. Advertisers and Associated Ad Partners
    To sustain and enhance our operations, IPnoid generates revenue through premium subscriber services and third-party advertising.

    While IPnoid does not share visitor information with third parties, ads displayed on IPnoid website(s) may allow advertisers to collect limited information about IPnoid visitors, as outlined in each advertiser's Terms of Service. One of the primary third-party advertising partners we use is Google AdSense. You can review their privacy policy and technology usage at https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads

    End-users have the option to opt out of ads displayed under their IPnoid account by purchasing a premium IPnoid subscription, which disables ads and prevents third-party advertisers from collecting information about them.
  10. Non-Personal Data
    We may share and disclose non-personal data, such as aggregated information on the activities of IPnoid users and historical data of user interactions with IPnoid services, including poll or user forum statistics.
  11. Law, Public Interest, and Harm
    While our privacy policy is designed to protect your privacy, we reserve the right to use and disclose your personal data if we believe it is necessary to comply with applicable country laws, regulations, legal processes, or government requests, or to protect the safety of any person or the integrity of our system. This includes, but is not limited to, addressing spam, abuse, and other malicious activities to safeguard the rights or property of individuals or companies using our services.
  12. Information Security
    Information security is a top priority at IPnoid. We employ a combination of administrative and technical measures to safeguard the data belonging to both IPnoid and its customers. This includes data encryption on the service side for critical data and the use of Transport Layer Security ("TLS") to encrypt data transmission between IPnoid and its customers.
  13. IPnoid's Role as Data Processor
    As a data processor, IPnoid collects and processes data as instructed and captured by a Customer. We do not share data with any third party other than the Customer and its designated entities that the Customer grants direct or indirect access to processed data. IPnoid follows specific instructions provided by customers for data collection, storage, and retention. The data is securely stored and hosted within the same data center at the appointed hosting service provider.

    Once a service agreement between the Customer and IPnoid expires, the Customer's personal data and all account statistics data are archived and retained for a grace period to allow for service resumption and renewal. This retention period is as long as necessary for legitimate business interests, legal requirements, and to prevent harm. Payment account information, such as account numbers and payment expiration dates, is deleted immediately upon service subscription expiration.
  14. Data Erasure and Access
    In compliance with GDPR requirements, EU data subjects have the right to request access to and complete deletion of their personal data by data controllers and processors. If your personal data is associated with your IPnoid account, you can log in to your account and submit a technical support ticket to initiate the erasure of your IPnoid account and associated data. If you wish to request the erasure of your visit information from the IPnoid website, please contact us via email with proof from your ISP verifying your ownership of the data to be erased from our system.
  15. Third Parties Privacy Policies
    IPnoid utilizes the following third-party billing services that provide the following privacy policies

    - PayPal - https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full
    - Stripe - https://stripe.com/privacy
    - Authorize.Net - https://www.authorize.net/company/privacy/
    - Payoneer - https://www.payoneer.com/legal/privacy-policy/

  16. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) Compliance
    Starting on May 25th, 2018, IPnoid acts as a Data Processor and provides GDPR data processing tools to assist its end-users in complying with applicable laws. An integral part of this Privacy Policy, which must be accepted by IPnoid end-users, is a GDPR Data Processing Addendum, which has been updated and can be found at https://www.ipnoid.com/gdpr-data-processing-addendum.htm
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